What is Carnage: Origins?

Black Market Gaming
5 min readAug 10, 2021


Black Market Gaming would like to introduce Carnage, our NFT trading card game! Carnage is meant to be one of the premier features of the BMG platform! We hope to encourage fair, competitive, fun gameplay for everyone! While the game itself is in its basic stages of development the rules and mechanics are already set in stone! The cards and game are in development as you all have seen a sneak peek or two in the BMG telegram and discord. This article will be broken down into the following sections:

  • What does Origins mean?
  • Faq
  • Rules
  • Game mechanics
  • Card types

What does Origins mean?

Origins are simply the name of the primary set of Carnage cards. It is a very large release of cards to jumpstart the player base and provide a foundational set to facilitate gameplay and generate user interest.


Our faq page shows all of the important information about Carnage: Origins and the upcoming NFT trading card sale.


These rules are very similar to the original game, “Triple Triad” however we have made some modifications to incorporate new features, an upgraded card system, and new ways to improve battle!

Carnage is played on a 3x3 square grid where each card takes up one square.

Each card has multiple features unique to each card.

  • On the top the creatures name appears.
  • On the middle right hand side is the tier number, cards can have tiers of 1,2,3 and G. The tier represents the cards evolution. Higher tiered cards are rarer and more powerful.
  • At the bottom middle the power numbers appear. Each number corresponds to its respective placement meaning that the top number represents the top side of the card. Same for the sides and bottom numbers.

A basic sequence of events for a standard game would go as follows:

  • Players 1 and 2 have decks of 20 cards.
  • Players 1 and 2 dice roll or flip a coin to see who begins.
  • Players 1 and 2 both draw six cards to begin with.
  • The player that won the roll / flip goes first and may place a card on any empty board piece.
  • This continues until all board slots are filled or players cannot play anymore cards.
  • Player controlled cards are either red or blue, and when a card is overpowered it is flipped to the alternate color displaying the players color who last overpowered it.

The objective of the game is to flip as many of your opponents cards as possible and end the game with the most cards under your control.


A new game mechanic that we have designed and implemented may be referred to as “Evolutions”. This refers to cards with tiers higher than 1. These cards require a lower-tiered version of their respective type.

For example, below we have a skeleton soldier who is a tier 1. We would need a tier 2 skeleton to successfully evolve to the next tier. No other types may evolve from specific types. Tiers may not be skipped, you must get from tier 1 -> tier 2 -> tier 3. In essence, this has such an effect as though you had just placed the evolved card in the slot where the previous lower evolution resides giving you another opportunity to flip your opponent’s cards.

Card types

In Carnage there are multiple different card types to add uniqueness and rarity to all of our NFT’s helping to create a collectors style out of them as well as a utility for gaming on our platform.

There are Five card types:

  • Common — Common cards are the basic style of Carnage: Origins cards. They do not have any special features and appear as normal cards would.
  • Worn — Worn cards appear in every trading card game imaginable because not everyone buys new packs of cards and sleeves them up immediately! In this circumstance however worn cards as NFT’s may showcase a certain rarity instead of declining in value as traditional trading cards that are worn do.
  • Rare — Unique cards have some special effects added to the card to give it a much more unique feel!
  • Misprint — Every old school trading card collector knows the value of misprinted cards. Carnage will have a very limited supply of misprinted cards appearing in each set.
  • God cards are very unique in that they showcase a mythological god from history and represent them in our game. God cards can be placed or any card that you control, sacrificing that card to the god to summon them. To own a god card is to own one of the rarest cards in Carnage however it comes at a cost. God cards are the only cards that are not allowed in tournament play. They are allowed in public games with friends or random battles online however god cards are too powerful to be used in competitive tournament settings.

These are the basic rules and knowledge necessary to play Carnage. It’s very simple, and once you try it out once or twice you will be much more confident playing in the future! Carnage is in its first stages of development however we aim for this to be the first thing to release following our farms and account achievement system!

We hope that you all keep on with us and continue to build with us!

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Black Market Gaming
Black Market Gaming

Written by Black Market Gaming

Official medium for #BMG Black Market Gaming. Bmgaming.io peer to peer trading for gamers on and offline.

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